Community Infrastructure Levy 2022/23 annual report.

Harvington Parish Council is required to report on an annual basis information relating to monies received from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from Wychavon District Council.

For the financial year starting 1st April 2022 and ending 31st March 2023 a total amount of £30,243.04 was received.  The funds are  held in an earmarked fund to be used towards the refurbishment of the playing field area of £25,552.04 and £5,000 towards the cycleway project.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Cil report Dec 23 (132 KB)

Worcestershire Rights of Way

For information on Rights of Way in Worcestershire, plus contact details please view the attached poster.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: ROW Poster pdf (1 MB)

Information on Public Rights of Way in Worcestershire

Please view attached poster which gives information on the paths in Worcestershire.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: ROW Poster pdf (1 MB)


A defibrillator has now been installed on the outside wall of the Golden Cross Public House next to the Wooden Ice Cream Hut.



New Dementia Café opening.

Broadway Museum and Art Gallery will be the exciting new home of the Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire Dementia Café for Broadway and surrounding areas.

The café will provide engaging and meaningful activities for people with mild to moderate dementia, their families and carers.

Opening Friday, 10th February, from 2pm – 4pm, this FREE service will run on every 2nd Friday of the month. Come along and have a cup of tea with someone who understands.

For more information please call: 0800 008 6077 or email: 

Archaeology survey on Hovels in the Vale of Evesham.

During the last few years, Worcestershire County Council’s Archive and Archaeology Service has undertaken a survey of the hovels of the Vale of Evesham.  The Community Project Officer, Nina O’Hare worked with a group of volunteers recruited from u3a and other organisations to carry out the survey work on the ground following a detailed study of historic maps enabled the identification of the likely locations of hovels.

A lot of the survey work was carried out during the Covid lockdowns, when we were allowed out, as it was a requirement that surveyors went out in pairs for health and safety reasons. I then volunteered to write up the project and the parish summaries, while stuck indoors. These have been edited and have now been finalised into the attached booklet.

All of the parish maps are available on the County Council’s web site.


Total Attachments: 2

Download: Hovels text edit Dec 22 rdcd (10 MB)
Download: Summary map - Harvington (2 MB)